Type alias RealTimeUVResponse

RealTimeUVResponse: { result: { ozone: number; ozone_time: string; safe_exposure_time: { st1: number; st2: number; st3: number; st4: number; st5: number; st6: number }; sun_info: { sun_position: { altitude: number; azimuth: number }; sun_times: { dawn: string; dusk: string; goldenHour: string; goldenHourEnd: string; nadir: string; nauticalDawn: string; nauticalDusk: string; night: string; nightEnd: string; solarNoon: string; sunrise: string; sunriseEnd: string; sunset: string; sunsetStart: string } }; uv: number; uv_max: number; uv_max_time: string; uv_time: string } }

Type declaration

  • result: { ozone: number; ozone_time: string; safe_exposure_time: { st1: number; st2: number; st3: number; st4: number; st5: number; st6: number }; sun_info: { sun_position: { altitude: number; azimuth: number }; sun_times: { dawn: string; dusk: string; goldenHour: string; goldenHourEnd: string; nadir: string; nauticalDawn: string; nauticalDusk: string; night: string; nightEnd: string; solarNoon: string; sunrise: string; sunriseEnd: string; sunset: string; sunsetStart: string } }; uv: number; uv_max: number; uv_max_time: string; uv_time: string }
    • ozone: number

      ozone level in du (Dobson Units) from OMI data or request (if provided)

    • ozone_time: string

      Latest OMI ozone update datetime in UTC yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ ISO-8601

    • safe_exposure_time: { st1: number; st2: number; st3: number; st4: number; st5: number; st6: number }

      safe exposure time for Fitzpatrick Skin Types in minutes

      • st1: number

        safe exposure time (mins) till burn for Skin Type 1

      • st2: number

        safe exposure time (mins) till burn for Skin Type 2

      • st3: number

        safe exposure time (mins) till burn for Skin Type 3

      • st4: number

        safe exposure time (mins) till burn for Skin Type 4

      • st5: number

        safe exposure time (mins) till burn for Skin Type 5

      • st6: number

        safe exposure time (mins) till burn for Skin Type 6

    • sun_info: { sun_position: { altitude: number; azimuth: number }; sun_times: { dawn: string; dusk: string; goldenHour: string; goldenHourEnd: string; nadir: string; nauticalDawn: string; nauticalDusk: string; night: string; nightEnd: string; solarNoon: string; sunrise: string; sunriseEnd: string; sunset: string; sunsetStart: string } }
      • sun_position: { altitude: number; azimuth: number }
        • altitude: number

          sun altitude above the horizon in radians


          0 at the horizon and PI/2 at the zenith (straight over your head)

        • azimuth: number

          sun azimuth in radians (direction along the horizon, measured from south to west)


          0 is south and Math.PI * 3/4 is northwest

      • sun_times: { dawn: string; dusk: string; goldenHour: string; goldenHourEnd: string; nadir: string; nauticalDawn: string; nauticalDusk: string; night: string; nightEnd: string; solarNoon: string; sunrise: string; sunriseEnd: string; sunset: string; sunsetStart: string }

        Important times where the sun is at various positions, organized chronologically. All in UTC ISO-8601

        Calculated from SunCalc Library

        • dawn: string

          dawn (morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts)

        • dusk: string

          dusk (evening nautical twilight starts)

        • goldenHour: string

          evening golden hour starts

        • goldenHourEnd: string

          morning golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) ends

        • nadir: string

          nadir (darkest moment of the night, sun is in the lowest position)

        • nauticalDawn: string

          nautical dawn (morning nautical twilight starts)

        • nauticalDusk: string

          nautical dusk (evening astronomical twilight starts)

        • night: string

          night starts (dark enough for astronomical observations)

        • nightEnd: string

          night ends (morning astronomical twilight starts)

        • solarNoon: string

          solar noon (sun is in the highest position)

        • sunrise: string

          sunrise (top edge of the sun appears on the horizon)

        • sunriseEnd: string

          sunrise ends (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon)

        • sunset: string

          sunset (sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts)

        • sunsetStart: string

          sunset starts (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon)

    • uv: number

      UV Index (real-time or forecasted depending on parameter)

    • uv_max: number

      max UV Index for the day (at solar noon)

    • uv_max_time: string

      max UV Index datetime (solar noon) in UTC yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ ISO-8601

    • uv_time: string

      UV Index datetime in UTC yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ ISO-8601

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