Type alias OpenUVParams

OpenUVParams: { alt?: number; dt?: string; lat: number; lng: number; ozone?: number }

Type declaration

  • Optional alt?: number

    altitude in meters, from 0 to 10000m, 0 by default. If provided, the altitude correction factor will be applied to a clear sky sea level UV Index.

  • Optional dt?: string

    UTC datetime in ISO-8601 format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ, now by default.

  • lat: number

    latitude, from -90.00 to 90.00

  • lng: number

    longitude, from -180.00 to 180.00

  • Optional ozone?: number

    ozone in du (Dobson Units), from 100 to 550du, latest value from OMI dataset by default.

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